RFID technology as Risk Management support.
The FD offers the RFID technology knowledge promoting personal consultations in any
area of health, through a partnership with a group of IT companies in Perugia COESIT.
The objective is to prevent adverse events predictable by analyzing the correctness of the clinical process during its implementation by staff and equipment.
The Electronic Bracelet is a means of secure identification, with the added value of having an information always available within the department and follows the patient throughout his hospital stay. Information is updated in real time from the medical staff that may consult at any time or update the information bracelet with protecting patient safety and reduce the risk of error.
- RfCareDriver allows the reading and writing of RFID in the most used standards (eg TAG ISO 14443, ISO 15693 HF), and can be easily installed on both client systems that PDA;
- RfCareServer is the motor of integration with hospital information systems.
- rfCARE Reader using desktop is available interface USB/RS232, or using PDA by format SDCard. Access Hardware rfCARE wall / gate version RS458, LAN, WLAN access control. Power low voltage. CE mark.
- Services related to inspection, testing, installation, testing and validation.
Technology and Standard
The software can be installed on most used Operating Systems (Windows, Linux). Integration with hospital information systems, is done through the common standard technologies (SOA, Web Services, XML) and integrating with client / server systems to Web. |

Short description of RFID technology: |
The main element of a Rfid system is the transponder or tag. It is an electronic component whose size can be even just few millimetres, where the identifying data are stored and which handles the check and data reception and transmission. Each tag has got a unique identifying number given by the manufacturer which cannot be modified.
The transponder can be fed also by the electromagnetic field generated by a remote reader and received by an antenna connected to the tag: this kind of tag is a passive tag.
A reader is necessary in order to access the information contained in the radio tag; in case of passive Rfid, the reader also feds the tag.
The advantage offered by this kind of technology upon more used identification systems as bar codes, is to have a reader which doesn’t need to have optical visibility in respect of the tag. Secondly it is possible to insert in a tag some kilobytes sized non-flyer memories which are able to contain a certain quantity of data.
Furthermore it is possible to create Rfid which can not only transmit data but also receive and up-to-date data. In this case the radio tag becomes an identifying system allowing to keep track of the history of a product during its own durability.